Mental Fitness Training for Life


Mental Fitness Training for Life

What is Mental Fitness Coaching?

Mental fitness is all about achieving emotional balance, increasing awareness, making clear decisions, and setting healthy boundaries.  Mental fitness coaching utilizes the simple but powerful Positive Intelligence operating system for achieving success and greater happiness out of life. 

Just like building your muscles through a physical fitness program, you can deliberately build your mental muscles (brain) to help you achieve an enhanced sense of well-being.

That's me on canoe trip.

Is Mental Fitness Coaching for me?

Mental fitness training is for you if you are looking to improve relationships, achieve more success in your professional life by working smarter, not just harder, or you just want to experience more overall contentment and  happiness in your life. 

Study after study shows that mental fitness coaching and training leads to powerful insights and sustainable results.

How Does Mental Fitness Training Work?

Mental fitness training utilizes cutting edge brain science and fractional analysis to teach you how to "rewire" your brain so that you respond to challenges in your life with non-judgemental discernment, focused clarity and inspired action.

We all share our lives with several of the ten saboteurs below.

Mental fitness training is how you learn to be guided by your Sage powers and not your saboteurs.

We all have 5 under utilized Sage Powers for keeping the saboteurs from sabotaging our success and happiness.

I will teach you how to identify and intercept your saboteurs and find the gift and opportunity in ANY situation.

 I will teach you how to use your Sage powers to turn your Saboteurs into powerful allies and achieve more happiness and satisfaction in your life.

I will teach you how to build the mental skills needed to perform at your best every day and become a more effective leader and problem solver. 

Schedule your free one hour session
Call or / Text Howard

802-440-1023 or email

What are your strongest saboteurs?

Discover which saboteurs are holding you back by taking the free saboteur assessment.  Click the button below. It will take you to the Positive Intelligence website where you can learn more about your saboteurs.